Cara se stala ambasadorkou pro tuto značku pod vedením Rihanny. Tyto fotografie mě naprosto nadchnuly a ohromily! Na první pohled jsem si zamilovala tyhle fotografie a Cara tady působí velmi žensky, sebevědomě a sexy a má úžasnou postavu! Doufám, že se objeví více fotografií. Já si ihned jednu z nich dám na tapetu!♥ Co těmto fotkám pro značku Puma říkáte? Přidala jsem Vám ještě i video k nové kampani Puma #DoYou pod režií Rihanny. Video je jak jinak než opět dokonalé a líbí se mi, jakou myšlenku celá kampaň má!
Finally, I took the time to add these new photos for the perfect brand Puma!
Cara became the ambassador for this brand under the leadership of Rihanna. These pictures me totally wowed and impressed! At first glance, I loved these photos and Cara here looks very feminine, confident and sexy and has a stunning figure! Hope appears more photos. I immediately one of them will put on the wallpaper! ♥ What these photos for Puma brand say? I've added you also have a video for the new campaign under the direction of Puma #DoYou Rihanna. Video is how else again perfect and I like the idea of what a campaign is!
"To ‘DO YOU’ is to take ownership of yourself and finding the power within that ownership —it’s a very powerful statement, It’s about accepting who you are, no matter your faults. ’DO YOU’ is about finding your truth and sticking to it. I think it’s so special because it means something different for everyone. It specifically encourages people to be themselves."
— Cara about PUMA Women “Do You” campaign
Cara Delevingne vía Puma's snapchat.— Caraimages (@Caraimages) 19. září 2016
Cara Delevingne vía Puma's Instagram Stories.— Caraimages (@Caraimages) 20. září 2016
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